var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /** * dispatch * dispatch 2019-02-25 * for phone */ var YK = {}; YK.https = location.protocol; window.YKU = {}; var YKP = { playerType: "", playerState: { PLAYER_STATE_INIT: 'PLAYER_STATE_INIT', PLAYER_STATE_READY: 'PLAYER_STATE_READY', PLAYER_STATE_AD: 'PLAYER_STATE_AD', PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING: 'PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING', PLAYER_STATE_END: 'PLAYER_STATE_END', PLAYER_STATE_ERROR: 'PLAYER_STATE_ERROR' }, playerCurrentState: 'PLAYER_STATE_INIT', isLoadFinishH5: false, isPC: true, videoList: [], isAndroidYouku: false }; var StaticDomain = YK.https + "//"; function browserRedirect() { var sUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var bIsIpad = sUserAgent.match(/ipad/i) == "ipad"; var bIsIphoneOs = sUserAgent.match(/iphone os/i) == "iphone os"; var bIsIphone = sUserAgent.match(/iphone/i) == "iphone"; var bIsMidp = sUserAgent.match(/midp/i) == "midp"; var bIsUc7 = sUserAgent.match(/rv: == "rv:"; var bIsUc = sUserAgent.match(/ucweb/i) == "ucweb"; var bIsAndroid = sUserAgent.match(/android/i) == "android"; var bIsCE = sUserAgent.match(/windows ce/i) == "windows ce"; var bIsWM = sUserAgent.match(/windows mobile/i) == "windows mobile"; if (bIsIpad || bIsIphoneOs || bIsIphone || bIsMidp || bIsUc7 || bIsUc || bIsAndroid || bIsCE || bIsWM) { YKP.isPC = false; //YKP.isSupportFlash = false; } else { YKP.isPC = true; //YKP.isSupportFlash = true; } var bIsYouku = sUserAgent.match(/youku/i) == "youku"; if (bIsAndroid) { if (bIsYouku) { YKP.isAndroidYouku = true; } } if (bIsIphone) { if (bIsYouku) { YKP.isIphoneYouku = true; } } } browserRedirect(); function createIFrame(w, h, parentName, vid, partnerId, password, autoplay, events) { if (YKP.isPC) { var iframes = document.getElementById(parentName + '').getElementsByTagName("iframe"); while (iframes.length) { var parentElement = iframes[0].parentNode; if (parentElement) { parentElement.removeChild(iframes[0]) } } var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('width', w); iframe.setAttribute('height', h); iframe.setAttribute('allow', 'autoplay'); var srcUrl = StaticDomain + '/embed/' + vid + '?client_id=' + partnerId + '&password=' + password + '&autoplay=' + autoplay+ '#' +; if (events && events.onPlayStart) { srcUrl += '&onPlayStart=' + events.onPlayStart; } if (events && events.onPlayEnd) { srcUrl += '&onPlayEnd=' + events.onPlayEnd; } iframe.setAttribute('src', srcUrl); iframe.setAttribute('name','iframeId'); iframe.setAttribute('id', 'iframeId'); iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', 0); iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', true); iframe.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); document.getElementById(parentName + '').appendChild(iframe); return iframe; } return null; } var urlParameter = function(object) { var arr = []; for (var o in object) { arr.push(o + '=' + object[o]); } return arr.join('&'); }; window.QS = function() { var args = {}; var result = RegExp("[\?\&][^\?\&]+=[^\?\&]+", "g")); if (result != null) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var ele = result[i]; var inx = ele.indexOf("="); //args[ele.substring(1, inx)] = ele.substring(inx + 1); var key = ele.substring(1, inx); var val = ele.substring(inx + 1); try { val = decodeURI(val); } catch (e) { } //转换val Boolean Number Object val == "true" ? val = true : (val == "false" ? val == false : isNaN(val) ? val = parseJsonStr(val) : val = +val); if ('undefined' == typeof args[key]) { args[key] = val; } else { if (args[key] instanceof Array) { args[key].push(val); } else { args[key] = [args[key], val]; } } } } return args; } function parseJsonStr(str) { if ('string' != typeof str) { return str; } if (/{[^{^}]{0,}}/.test(str)) { try { str = JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { } } return str; } var dynamicLoading = { css: function(path) { if (!path || path.length === 0) { throw new Error('argument "path" is required !'); } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); link.href = path; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; head.appendChild(link); }, js: function(path, obj, attr) { if (!path || path.length === 0) { throw new Error('argument "path" is required !'); } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = path; script.type = 'text/javascript'; if (attr) { script["id"] = attr["id"]; script.setAttribute('pageType', attr["pageType"]); script.setAttribute('isHidden', attr["isHidden"]); } head.appendChild(script); script.onload = function() { if (obj) { obj.selectH5(); YKP.isLoadFinishH5 = true; } } } } dynamicLoading.css(YK.https + "//"); var YoukuPlayerSelect = function(params) { YK.initConfig = params; this._vid = params.vid; this._target =; this._partnerId = params.partnerId; this._videoFlag = params.videoFlag; if (params.client_id) { //兼容openapi中的client_id的设置 this._partnerId = params.client_id; } if (!(this._vid && this._target && this._partnerId)) { alert( "[Fail]The params of {vid,target,client_id} are necessary !" ); return; } this._events =; YK.playerEvents =; this._id =; if (this._id == null) this._id = "youku-player"; YKP.playerId = this._id; this._width = params.width; this._height = params.height; this._expand = params.expand; if (params.width == null || params.height == null) { //宽高指定不全,默认为0 if (params.expand == null) { this._expand = 0; } } else { //宽高都指定,默认为1 if (params.expand == null) { this._expand = 1; } } // this._prefer = (params.prefer ? params.prefer.toLowerCase() : "flash"); this._starttime = params.starttime; this._password = params.password ? params.password : ''; this._poster = params.poster; this._autoplay = !!params.autoplay; // 0 ,1 ,true ,false,'true','false'.. this._canWide = params.canWide; if ('undefined' != typeof params.show_related) { this._showRelated = !!params.show_related; } this._embed_content = params.embed_content; this._embed_vid = params.embed_vid; this._cancelFullScreen = params.cancelFullScreen; this._titleStyle = params.titleStyle; this._source = params.source; this._newPlayer = params.newPlayer; this._winType = params.wintype; //播放页专门参数 this._playlistconfig = params.playlistconfig; this._isMobile = YKP.isMobile; this._isMobileIOS = YKP.isMobileIOS; //this._weixin = params.weixin; YK.isWeixin = YKP.isWeixin; //false; //微信专用参数 if ('undefined' != typeof params.weixin) { YK.isWeixin = !!params.weixin; //!!å¤–éƒ¨ä¼ å…¥ weixin=fasle 也可以生效 } this._loop = !!params.loop || false; // more .. this._playerType = ""; }; YoukuPlayerSelect.prototype = { isPC: function() { return YKP.isPC; }, //todo select: function() { this.selectHandler(); }, selectHandler: function() { var url; if (this.isPC()) { YKP.isLoadFinishH5 = true; } else { // dynamicLoading.js(YK.https + "//", null, {"id":"ykbannerLoader", "pageType":"player", "isHidden":true}); url = YK.https + "//"; } if (YKP.isLoadFinishH5) { this.selectH5(); } else { dynamicLoading.js(url, this); } if (this._events && this._events.onPlayerReady) { var callback = this._events.onPlayerReady; var check = setInterval(function() { // if ($(YKP.playerId)) { // YKP.playerCurrentState = YKP.playerState.PLAYER_STATE_READY; // debug.log(YKP.playerCurrentState); try { // LocalStorage.appendItem('phase', 'playerready'); callback(); } catch (e) {} clearInterval(check); //} }, 500); } }, selectH5: function() { if (YKP.isPC) { this.selectPCH5(); } else { this.selectMobileH5(); } }, selectMobileH5: function() { var self = this; var playerDom = document.getElementById(this._target); if (this._width > 0 && this._height > 0) { = this._width + "px"; = this._height + "px"; } else { //var cw = document.documentElement.clientWidth; //var ch = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var cw = playerDom.offsetWidth; var ch = playerDom.offsetHeight; function resize(playerDom) { // = cw + "px"; // = 9 * cw / 16 + "px"; = cw + "px"; = ch + "px"; } resize(playerDom); } var closeFullFullScreen = 0; if (self._cancelFullScreen == 1 && YKP.isAndroidYouku) { closeFullFullScreen = 1; } var config = { videoId: self._vid, //视频id ccode: "0590", //渠道id client_id: self._partnerId, //优酷视频云创建应用的client_id control: { laguange: "", //默认使用的语言类型 hd: "mp4hd", //默认使用的码率 // hd:"m3u8", autoplay: false //是否自动播放 }, logconfig: { }, //统计扩展参数,包括aplus接口中的全局对象时数据,用于传递给统计接口 adConfig: { }, //广告扩展参数 password: self._password, //视频播放密码,用于加密视频(这个是否可以传入暂定) wintype: "", //每端固定的参数,多用于统计,不确定是否还需要 type: "", //播放类型(pc,pad,mobile)暂定, events: self._events, embed_vid: self._embed_vid, embed_content: self._embed_content, titleStyle: self._titleStyle, source: self._source, closeFullFullScreen: closeFullFullScreen, isIphoneYouku: YKP.isIphoneYouku, imgPoster: self._poster }; this._h5player = YKPlayer.Player(this._target, config); }, selectPCH5: function() { var self = this; self.mobtest = 'mobtest'; var cw; var ch; if (this._width > 0 && this._height > 0) { cw = this._width; ch = this._height; } else { //var playerDom = document.getElementById(this._target); //var cw = document.documentElement.clientWidth; //var ch = document.documentElement.clientHeight; //var cw = playerDom.offsetWidth; //var ch = playerDom.offsetHeight; cw = '100%'; ch = '100%'; } createIFrame(cw, ch, self._target, self._vid, self._partnerId, self._password, self._autoplay, self._events); }, onorientationchange: function() { //var self = this; var playerDom = document.getElementById(this._target); setTimeout(function() { var cw = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var ch = document.documentElement.clientHeight; = cw + "px"; = 9 * cw / 16 + "px"; }, 300); }, isThirdParty: function() { var cid = this._partnerId; if (cid != null && (cid + '').length == 16) { return true; }; return false; }, }; /** * 以下是统一的接口,用于外部统一操作 Flash 和 H5播放器 * 直接传入参数进行初始化 * -- api document -- * // * 用户名:api * 密码:youkuopenapi * */ YKU.Player = function(target, config) { = target; = new YoukuPlayerSelect(config);; this._player = ""; }; YKU.Player.prototype = { player: function() { if (this._player != "") { return this._player; } if (YKP.isPC) { this._player = new YKFlashPlayer(); } else { this._player = new YKH5Player(; } return this._player; }, //@deprecated resize: function(dom, width, height) { if (dom && Number(width) && Number(height)) { ? = width + 'px' : null; ? = height + 'px' : null; } else { console.log('resize方法不可用,缺少参数!'); } }, currentTime: function() { return this.player().currentTime(); }, totalTime: function() { return this.player().totalTime(); }, playVideo: function() { this.player().playVideo(); }, startPlayVideo: function() { this.player().startPlayVideo(); }, pauseVideo: function() { this.player().pauseVideo(); }, seekTo: function(timeoffset) { this.player().seekTo(timeoffset); }, hideControls: function() { this.player().hideControls(); }, showControls: function() { this.player().showControls(); }, /** mute:function(){}, unmute:function(){}, setVolume:function(){}, getVideoMetaData:function(){},*/ playVideoById: function(vid) { this.player().playVideoById(vid); }, //special api for youku h5,not open api switchFullScreen: function() { try { this.player().switchFullScreen(); } catch (e) { } }, getVideoList: function() { return this.player().getVideoList(); } }; var YKFlashPlayer = function() { this._player = document.getElementById(YKP.playerId); }; YKFlashPlayer.prototype = { resize: function(width, height) { = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; }, currentTime: function() { var arr = this._player.getPlayerState().split("|"); if (arr.length >= 3) return arr[2]; else return -1; }, totalTime: function() { var arr = this._player.getPlayerState().split("|"); if (arr.length >= 4) return arr[3]; else return -1; }, playVideo: function() { this._player.pauseVideo(false); }, pauseVideo: function() { this._player.pauseVideo(true); }, seekTo: function(timeoffset) { this._player.nsseek(timeoffset); }, playVideoById: function(vid) { //encoded vid 字符串形式的vid this._player.playVideoByID(vid); }, hideControls: function() { this._player.showControlBar(false); }, showControls: function() { this._player.showControlBar(true); }, state: function() { this._player.state(); } }; /** * @param player YoukuHTML5Player */ var YKH5Player = function(player) { this._player = player; }; YKH5Player.prototype = { resize: function(width, height) { = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; }, currentTime: function() { return this._player.currentTime; }, totalTime: function() { return this._player.totalTime; }, playVideo: function() {; }, pauseVideo: function() { this._player.pause(); }, seekTo: function(timeoffset) { try { // this._player.currentTime = timeoffset;; } catch (e) {} } } function executeScript(){ var _scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"),_len = _scripts.length; for(var i = 0 ; i < _len ;i++){ if(_scripts[i].src.indexOf("//") > -1){ if(_scripts[i].innerHTML){ console.log('%c优酷视频云:播放器初始化代码,请单独在新的script标签内。否则会造成无法播放!','color:red'); eval(_scripts[i].innerHTML); break; } } } } executeScript(); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 15:54:17 May 01, 2022 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 15:02:42 Dec 07, 2023. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 324.854 exclusion.robots: 0.094 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.083 cdx.remote: 0.056 esindex: 0.01 LoadShardBlock: 54.845 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 193.438 (5) load_resource: 557.542 (2) PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 114.785 (2) */